Consulting Solutions

Rate & Fee <br>Analysis

Rate & Fee

It’s no hidden secret that the fees for accepting credit cards is a costly expense to your corporation and bottom line. IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE! Using advanced algorithm technologies, EPS can provide a detailed analysis of your existing processing services, identifying excessive charges, erroneous fees and padded pricing, all items that directly take away from company profits and significantly impact your bottom line.

Security <br>Consulting


A security breach in your payment processing
system can decimate your business and ruin
your credibility. We are experts in the area of
payment security, from Point of Sale to
Application and eCommerce, we can evaluate
your systems and make recommendations on
how to properly protect your business and
your customers.

Compliance <br>Consulting


Accepting credit cards is a necessary convenience to provide to your customers, but it’s also a potential liability for your business. From how your employees accept cards (card present, online, phone, text) to the documenting and storage of this sensitive information, there are many items that can put your business at risk. While most companies “think” their process to accept card data is correct, we have found that most have unknown security gaps. We can help you identify and close these gaps. Need help with company payment policy and procedure for employee handbooks? We can help here too.

A/R Efficiency <br>Consulting

A/R Efficiency

Time is Money! Minor changes to the way your
company accepts payments and reconciles
accounts can mean big gains for your
business. At EPS, we are efficiency experts
and can show you how to reduce expenses on
wasted time, leaving countless man hours to
focus on other important tasks.